Friday, August 12, 2005

Happy Friday!

Well, it's another Friday at work. For those who don't know, I work as a Senior Typist Clerk (hey, I used to be merely an Intermediate Typist Clerk) at the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health.* This is just a fancy name for paper pusher. I'm basically clerical support staff. I work in the TAR or Treatment Authorization Request Unit, although these days we're calling it the Medi-Cal Inpatient Consolidation Unit. Can you tell this is a governmental agency yet? Anyway, various providers want the County to pay for their patients and we try to convince them to go stuff themselves.

But basically, I'm trying to get all caught up and even a bit ahead, since I'll be on vacation for a week and a half. How am I doing at that? Well, I'm here blogging, so ah, not so good.

In other news, my dog Ozymandius is wearing goofy looking shoes because he keeps chewing at his paws. The vet says its likely an allergic reaction, but if he stops biting at his feet, then maybe the drugs will heal it.

I saw Stealth with some friends last night, and it wasn't as awful as I feared it might be. It wasn't great, but it was a decent mindless action flick. I'd just like to think if we ever successfully develop true artificial intelligence, the first thing we do with it would NOT be to stick it in a warplane and have it go around killing people. But hey, maybe that's just the hippie liberal in me.

Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy this moose.

*Motto: "It takes one to know one."


At 10:23 AM, Blogger Higgy said...

Nice Rack!

I meant the moose, of course....

At 4:36 PM, Blogger Leetie said...

Your new profile pic is rather disturbing.

At 4:53 PM, Blogger Mike Weasel said...

You're right. It's a weasel standing on a log but I've replaced its head with my own. But I'm realizing now that it looks like the weasel is doing something obscene. I'll change it later...

At 9:28 AM, Blogger Mike Weasel said...

I named him that for the famous line in Shelley's poem: "Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair" for when he would leave little surprises before he was housebroken. Usually he just goes by "Ozzy."

At 8:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My sister was bitten once by a moose.

At 9:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To where do you advance after Senior clerk? Middle management? Been there, done that!!! :)

At 4:01 PM, Blogger Mike Weasel said...

Hopefully I'll advance to something art-related. But I'll finish school first. Eventually.

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